The word meiga, meaning women mage, is used in Galicia, León and Asturias (Spain), with the meaning of "person with extraordinary powers or magic and can bargain with the devil."
The figure on the meiga is deeply rooted in the folk tradition, and differs from the latter witch always acts with malice, can treat and agree with demionios and yet, the Meigas are also known as healers and seers , and people go to them to be healed with its rewritten psalms and spells.
There are meigas flying on broomsticks or mounted on horseback. But other women are only able to perform the evil eye and to heal, and other evils.
Types of meigas:
It is said that there are a large number of them, each with different powers:
- Meigas chuchonas (or sucking) are the most dangerous and are presented with different faces or turned into vampires and insects such as bumblebees. They suck the blood of children and rob the body fat to be used in the preparation of ointments and potions.
- Asumcordas (witches street); spy on people and watch who goes in and out of houses.

- Marimanta, is the woman's bag, stealing children and make them disappear.
- Feticeira (sorceress) living near rivers and streams, although it is an old, non-repellent appearance, has a beautiful voice and songs mesmerize with their youth who hear, these are close to the river and she makes getting young people go into the river until they drown.
- Lavandeira (Women washing clothes), this meiga surprises the traveler who goes through a laundry (a former laundry), inviting them to help her wring the clothes washing, clothes stained with blood is still warm to result of a miscarriage. The person has to be careful to turn the clothes in the same direction as her, because otherwise, the misfortune will fall on his house.
- Lobismuller (werewolf) are women who were born on Christmas Eve or Good Friday, or is the seventh or ninth in a family where all offspring are female.
- Vedoira (seer) is beautiful and pleasant to deal. Has powers of divination and are experts in contact with the beyond to tell if someone is enjoying died forever in heaven or still suffering in purgatory.
- Voladoira (woman flying) acrobatic pirouettes in the sky.
- Cartuxeira (fortune teller); women fortune-tellers, who always correct in their predictions.
- Agoreira (aged); these meigas age prematurely, but live many years.
- Damas de castro (ladies of the tree); these meigas living under ancient trees or underground in a glass castle. They always have a long tail white dress, and always respond to requests from people. As well enjoy and fortune, any favor or compliment serve to get tips or gifts from them, on the contrary, tend to appear to people afflicted by a difficult situation in his life, and that person grant his favors.
Methods to protect against meigas:
- Place a broom turned upside down after the front door.
- Take a clove of garlic or a dry chestnut. Bring a fig (best jet Compostela) around your neck or flying deer horns.
- Take home blessed land of cemeteries or laurel branches blessed on Palm Sunday.
- Search beasts claws or wolf teeth.
- Possess shaped wands, pendants and pectorals, pieces of jet, amber and various magical stones.
- Skip the bonfire of San Juan 3 times.
A popular phrase: "Eu non creo nas meigas, mais habelas, hainas" ("I do not believe in Meigas, but if any, there are").
The Meigas performing spell called "Meigallo". A common incantation is "Meigas out!" Which is accompanied by the gesture of the Higa.
Ola! I find this text very interesting and I'm curious as to where you found the information :D Can you maybe recommend me a book/website to find more info on meigas? Thanks <33