martes, 29 de enero de 2013

Fried Milk

The fried milk dessert is a very typical Spanish cuisine.


- 6 eggs.
- 60 gr cornstarch.
- 60 g flour.
- 120 grams of sugar.
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
- 500 ml of milk.
- 100 gr of icing sugar.
- 1 piece of butter.


- Boil the milk in a saucepan.

- In another pot add the beaten eggs, sugar and vanilla.

- Add the flour and cornstarch in the second saucepan and stir well.

- Then add boiling milk, stirring constantly, let cook about 5 minutes.

- The cream should be very thick, if not, add more cornstarch diluted in milk and add gradually to achieve the proper thickness.

- Transfer the cream to a large colander smooth.

- We spread the baking tray with a little butter and pour the mixture well until set, cut into regular portions and the mold removed.

- Put a frying pan with plenty of oil.

- We spent lots beaten egg and flour and fry in skillet until browned.

- When browned withdraw from the pan, served in a bowl sprinkled with icing sugar and ground cinnamon.

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